Furubayashi T, Ushiyama A, Terao Y, Mizuno Y, Shirasawa K, Pongpaibool P, Simba AY, Wake K, Nishikawa M, Miyawaki K, Yasuda A, Uchiyama M, Yamashita HK, Masuda H, Hirota S, Takahashi M, Okano T, Inomata-Terada S, Sokejima S, Maruyama E, Watanabe S, Taki M, Ohkubo C, Ugawa Y
Poulletier de Gannes F, Ruffie G, Taxile M, Ladeveze E, Hurtier A, Haro E, Duleu S, Charlet de Sauvage R, Billaudel B, Geffard M, Veyret B, Lagroye I
Health Protection Agency (HPA),
Documents of the Health Protection Agency, RCE-8: 1-143
Capstick M, McRobbie D, Hand J, Christ A, Kühn S, Hansson Mild K, Cabot E, Li Y, Melzer A, Papadaki A, Prüssmann K, Quest R, Rea M, Ryf S, Oberle M, Kuster N