"Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers", IEEE, 米国電気電子学会
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, New Orleans, LA, USA. 2巻; IEEE: pp. 889-891
Maruvada PS, Drogi S
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 3 (3): 1165-1172
IEEE Power Engineering Review 8 (10): 10-14
Walfisch J, Bertoni HL
IEEE Trans Antennas Propag 36 (12): 1788-1796
Broschat SL, Chou CK, Luk KH, Guy AW, Ishimaru A
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 35 (3): 173-178
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 35 (6): 442-449
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 35 (6): 435-441
Sullivan DM, Gandhi OP, Taflove A
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 35 (3): 179-186
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 35 (5): 382-388
Orcutt N, Gandhi OP
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 35 (8): 577-583
Paulsen KD, Strohbehn JW, Lynch DR
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 35 (1): 36-45
7th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Switzerland. IEEE: pp. 413-416; ISBN 978-1-5090-3192-4
7th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Switzerland. IEEE: pp. 239-244; ISBN 978-1-5090-3192-4
7th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Switzerland. IEEE: pp. 233-238; ISBN 978-1-5090-3192-4
1987 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Atlanta, GA, USA. IEEE: pp. 501-504; ISBN 978-1-5090-3174-0
Dallaire RD, Maruvada PS
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery PWRD-2 (2): 477-485
Atalay N, Aydin G, Büyüker O
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 3巻; IEEE: pp. 1595-1596
Reilly JP, Larkin WD
IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat EMC-29 (3): 221-232
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IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 35 (6): 594-597
Guy AW, Chung-Kwang C, McDougall JA, Sorensen C
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 35 (11): 984-994
Chung-Kwang C, Guy AW, McDougall AW
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 35 (11): 995-1001
Boesch RD, Magin RL, Franke SJ
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 34 (11): 904-907
Sullivan DM, Borup DT, Gandhi OP
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 34 (2): 148-157
Stuchly MA, Kraszewski A, Stuchly SS, Hartsgrove GW, Spiegel RJ
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 34 (12): 944-950
Stuchly SS, Kraszewski A, Stuchly MA, Hartsgrove GW, Spiegel RJ
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 34 (12): 951-957