
Experimental studies on the effects of low and radio frequency on young animals

  1. 316研究
  2. 305研究
  3. 119研究
  4. 52研究
  5. 48研究
  6. 15研究
  7. 11研究

Teratogenicity, embryogenesis

  1. 160研究
  2. 142研究
  3. 37研究
  4. 2研究
Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Frequency range SAR Exposure duration Parameters
Kubiak JZ et al. 1985 - - - - - 電界, 信号/パルス
Juutilainen J et al. 1987 動物, chicken embryos (eggs), 全身 - 50 Hz - continuous 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC)
Heinrichs WL et al. 1988 動物, mouse/BALB/c, 全身 - 15–400 Hz - continuous for 16 h RF, 静磁界, MRI, 非EMF
Prasad N et al. 1990 動物, embryos of <i>Rana pipiens</i> (Northern leopard frog), 全身: <i>in ovo</i> - 0 Hz - 1 hr RF, 静磁界, MRI
Joshi MV et al. 1978 - - 0 Hz - 1 hr 磁界
Ozil JP et al. 1986 - - - - - 信号/パルス, 電気刺激
Koch WE et al. 1991 動物, chicken embryos (eggs), 全身 - 33–50 Hz - 10 times 10 ms, 6 times 1 ms, 26 times 20 ms or 5 times 30 ms 磁界, 低周波電磁界, 信号/パルス, 50/60 Hz (AC)
Leal J et al. 1982 動物, chicken embryos/White Leghorn (eggs) - 100 Hz - continuous for 48 h 磁界, 地磁気, 信号/パルス, 50/60 Hz (AC)
Skauli KS et al. 2000 動物, zebrafish embryos (<i>Danio rerio</i>), 全身 - 50 Hz - from 2 h after fertilization until hatching or from 48 h after fertilization until hatching 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC)
Tyndall DA 1990 動物, mouse/C57BL/6J, 全身: <i>in utero</i> - - - - RF, 静磁界, MRI, 共ばく露, 非EMF