この研究は、定率およびタイムアウトのオペラントタスクが一定のパフォーマンス水準に達するまで、Long-Evansラットを訓練した後、彼らを2群に分け、それぞれは、1日1回3時間の行動テストセッション中に、連続波(CW)およびパルス変調波(PM)のマイクロ波放射(MWR)のばく露を受けた。擬似ばく露セッションでの反応率を、ばく露セッションでの反応率と比較した。その結果、MWRのばく露レベルが同等の場合(CWで5.8 mW/g、PMで6.7 mW/g)、定率およびタイムアウトのオペラントセッションのどちらにおいても、両方のMMRは反応率の低下に等しい効果をもった;この大きさのSARは、0.5〜1.0°Cの体温上昇と結び付くと推定した; 3.6 mW / g(全身体温の増加を伴わないレベル)では、定率タスクへの平均反応率は変化しなかったが、タイムアウト中の反応率は有意に低下した;この場合も、CWおよびPMのMWRの影響は本質的に同等であった、と報告している。
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To study the effect of pulse modulated and continuous wave (CW) microwave irradiation on operant behavior in rats. The aim of the study was to determine if exposure to continuous wave (CW) microwave irradiation would yield the same enhancement of stimulus control as did pulse-modulated microwave irradiation and whether the magnitude of this effect would be comparable for the two modulation profiles.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
1.3 GHz
Modulation type:
repeated daily exposure, 3 h/day
1.3 GHz
Modulation type:
repeated daily exposure, 3 h/day
1.3 GHz
Modulation type:
repeated daily exposure, 3 h/day
1.3 GHz
Modulation type:
repeated daily exposure, 3 h/day
周波数 | 1.3 GHz |
ばく露時間 | repeated daily exposure, 3 h/day |
Modulation type | CW |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
SAR | 5.9 mW/g | mean | 計算値 | unspecified | - |
With comparable microwave irradiation dose rates, continuous wave (CW) and pulsed modulated (PM) microwave irradiation (5.8 and 6.7 mW/g, respectively) were equally effective in reducing response rates during both the fixed-ratio and the timeout components. Dose rates of this order were associated with an increase in body temperature of 0.5 to 1.0°C. At 3.6 mW/g, whereas the mean rates of fixed-ratio responding were unchanged, the rates of responding during timeout were decreased significantly (again, CW and PM microwave irradiation yielded essentially equivalent data). This microwave irradiation dose rate was not accompanied by a measurable elevation in whole-body temperature.