この研究は、ラットを対象に、時間的に定義された正の強化の訓練スケジュールで獲得できた成績に対する、パルス波(PW)および連続波(CW)の2.8GHzマイクロ波の影響を比較した。訓練スケジュールは、低頻度分化強化(DRL)随伴性による食餌行動強化である。 ラットは、1〜15mW / cm 2の電力密度のPWおよびCWに独立的にばく露された。その結果、 通常の成績の変化は、CWの30分間ばく露よりも同じくPWの方が顕著であった;10および15mW / cm2のPWへのばく露後に適切タイミングでの応答の出現率は低下したが、同レベルのCWばく露では応答率に一貫して影響は見られなかった; マイクロ波ばく露に伴う成績の変化は、必ずしも一般的な応答低下との関係ななく、場合によっては、全体的な応答率の上昇が観察された、と報告している。
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To compare the effects of pulsed and continuous wave (CW) 2.8 GHz microwaves on the performance of rats maintained by a temporally defined schedule of positive reinforcement. In this DRL-schedule (differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate), delivery of food pellets was contingent upon successive lever-pressing responses that occured within a defined period.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
2.8 GHz
Modulation type:
repeated exposure for 30 min/week
2.8 GHz
Modulation type:
repeated exposure for 30 min/week
周波数 | 2.8 GHz |
タイプ |
偏波 |
ばく露時間 | repeated exposure for 30 min/week |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Pulse width | 2 µs |
Repetition frequency | 500 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
チャンバの詳細 | 2.44 m x 2.44 m x 2.44 m double-walled copper-screened RF-anechoic chamber lined with pyramidally shaped MW-absorbing material |
ばく露装置の詳細 | Animals were constrained in a sleeve holder constructed of fine plastic mesh that was suspended from a Styrofoam frame centered on the antenna's aperture approx. 6.3 wavelengths from the proximal edge of the horn. The animal's long axis was perpendicular to the propagation direction of the vertically polarised EF. |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
周波数 | 2.8 GHz |
タイプ |
偏波 |
ばく露時間 | repeated exposure for 30 min/week |
Modulation type | CW |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Changes of normal performance were more pronounced after a 30 minute exposure to the pulsed wave field than to the continuous wave field. The rate of emission of appropriately timed responses declined after exposure to pulsed wave at 10 and 15 mW/cm², whereas irradiation at the same power levels to the continuous wave field did not consistently affect the rate of responding. Alteration in performance associated with microwave irradiation was not necessarily related to a general decline in responding; in some instances, increases in overall rates of responding were revealed.