研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[動物に関する宇宙研究で使用されるインプラント型無線遠隔測定装置から発生する電磁界の生物学的効率の評価] med./bio.

The evaluation of biological efficiency of electromagnetic fields generated by implanted radiotelemetric transmitters used in space research on animals

掲載誌: Physiologist 1992; 35 (1) Suppl: S248-S249

この研究は、腹腔内にバイオテレメトリシステム(BTS)またはその実物模型を植え込んだ50匹の雄ラットを用いて、電磁界EMF)の全身への影響の可能性を調べた。ラットは、6週間の実験中、12/12時間の明/暗スケジュールを与えられた。電磁界EMF)の周波数は455kHz、トランスジューサ周辺での磁気誘導は約10(-2)mTであった。 体温と運動活動量の概日リズムは実験の過程で制御された。ばく露 終了後、組織および血液のサンプルを採取し、血清中のコルチコステロンテストステロン、T3、T4レベルをラジオイムノアッセイで測定し、肝臓ミクロソームでのCa2 +、Na +の膜透過性、K(+)-ATPアーゼ活性および電荷変化を測定した。全身への影響の評価方法について考察している。

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To examine biological effects of electromagnetic impulses generated by implanted biotelemetric systems (BTS) similar to those used in space experiments on rats.


The rats were divided in 5 groups: 1) vivarium control rats, 2) BTS mock-up implanted rats, 3) BTS implanted rats exposed to external electromagnetic fields, 4) BTS implanted rats, and 5) BTS mock-up implanted rats exposed to external electromagnetic fields.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 455 kHz
ばく露時間: continuous; 6-week experiment
ばく露2: 455 kHz
Modulation type: single pulse
ばく露時間: interpulse interval of 300 s in a 6-week experiment

General information

Two types of abdominally implanted biotelemetric systems (BTS) of extended ellipsoid shape (8 mm x 18 mm) were used: An active battery powered one, generating continuous radio signals, and a passive one containing microcircuits excited by an external EMF impulse. Animals were divided into five groups: 20 vivarium control rats, 5 active biotelemetric systems (BTS) implanted rats, 5 passive BTS implanted rats exposed to external EMF, 10 BTS mock-up implanted rats and 10 BTS mock-up implanted rats exposed to external EMF.


周波数 455 kHz
  • magnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous; 6-week experiment
Modulation type unspecified
Additional information

active biotelemetric system

  • active biotelemetric system
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 0.01 mT - - - 10-2-10-3 mT


周波数 455 kHz
  • magnetic field
ばく露時間 interpulse interval of 300 s in a 6-week experiment
Modulation type single pulse
Pulse width 200 ms
  • passive biotelemetric system, transducer
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 0.01 mT - - - 10-2-10-3 mT


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露中
  • ばく露後


The observed changes in the membranes and hormone levels are sufficient characteristics of biological efficiency of used electromagnetic fields. The rates of calcium ion transport in homogenates of femoral skeletal muscle and myocardium revealed no significant differences between experimental groups. Measurements of total charge of sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes from the same types of muscles exhibited an increase of negative charge in SR from exposed rats. A decrease of sodium potassium ATPase (Na+-K+-ATPase) specific activity in hepatocyte membranes of exposed animals have been observed. Inhibition of ATPase activity agrees with an increase in total negative charge of liver microsomes from the rats of the same group.The blood corticosterone level of mock-up animals was diminished by 70% as opposed to that of vivarium control animals. An additional irradiation to the external electromagnetic fields decreased the hormone level in the BTS rats, and, by contrast, increased it in those rats with implanted mock-ups. Thyroxine measurements showed the tendency for an increase of its level in the implanted BTS animals and a significant elevation in the implanted mock-up rats. Electromagnetic field exposure decreased the thyroxine level in both groups. Biorhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature of rats revealed some influence of the external electromagnetic field.

