この研究は、ラットを対象に、マイクロ波(MW)照射により生じる生体組織の非一様な加熱について調べた。遠方界(k偏波:ホーンアンテナ方向に頭部を向け、電界は垂直方向。周波数2.06GHz)にばく露されたラットの視床下部、皮質、鼓膜および直腸の温度を測定した。電力密度レベルは2通り、高電力密度(HPM)は1700mW / cm2[比吸収率(SAR):視床下部1224W / kg;皮質493W / kg]、低電力密度(LPM)は170mW / cm2(SAR:視床下部122.4W / kg;皮質49.3W / kg)であった。その結果、HPMばく露では、視床下部での温度上昇率(℃/ s)は、皮質または直腸のものより有意に大きかった;LPMばく露では、より一様性の高い加熱を生じた;脳の2か所に測温プローブを植え込んだ場合と、2か所のうちにどちらか1か所に1個植え込んだ場合とで、定量的に類似の結果が観察された;h偏波(身体が磁界に平行)のHPMに非拘束でばく露された場合でも、各部位での加熱の定性的差異は維持された、と報告している。次に、MW照射中の温度変化を他の加熱方法による温度変化と比較するために、温水浸漬(44℃、WWI)、温かい周囲環境(50℃、WSED)、温かい周囲環境中でのトレッドミル(17m /分8%グレード)運動(35℃、WEX)の3方法を実施した。その結果、WWIは、各部位で一様な加熱を生じさせた;WSEDまたはWEXの後、各部位に同様の上昇率が生じ、視床下部と皮質との間の事前の差は維持された;これらのデータは、HPMでは、非常に近接した脳領域内における温度上昇率に2-2.5倍の差を生じ、対照的に、LPMまたは非MW方法では、一様性の高い加熱が記録された、と報告している。
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To examine the possibility of different pattern of brain heating by high-powered microwave exposure in rats. Temperatures were measured directly in the hypothalamus and cortex during heating by high-powered microwaves, warm water immersion (WWI), environmental heating (warm ambient environment, WSED), or exercise-induced heating (exercised on a treadmill in a warm ambient environment, WEX).
Experiment 1: rats were implated with rectal and brain temperature probes in the hypothalamus and cortex. Experiment 2: rats were implated with a single brain temperature probe , either in the hypothalamus or cortex.
周波数 | 2.06 GHz |
タイプ |
波形 |
特性 |
偏波 |
ばく露時間 | 240 s |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
チャンバの詳細 | anechoic chamber |
ばく露装置の詳細 | rats were maintained in k-orientation by placing them in a rectangular shaped Styrofoam restrainer (9 cm x 6 cm x 27 cm whl) with a PVC head and Plexiglas tail gate. |
周波数 | 2.06 GHz |
タイプ |
波形 |
特性 |
偏波 |
ばく露時間 | 30 s |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
チャンバの詳細 | anechoic chamber |
ばく露装置の詳細 | rats were maintained in k-orientation by placing them in a rectangular shaped Styrofoam restrainer (9 cm x 6 cm x 27 cm whl) with a PVC head and Plexiglas tail gate. |
The increase in hypothalamic temperature was significantly greater than those in cortical or rectal temperatures when animals were exposed to high-power density. Low-power density produced more homogenous heating. Quantitatively similar results were observed whether animals were implanted with probes in two brain sites or a single probe in one or the other of two sites. WWI produced uniform heating in the regions measured. Similar rates of temperature increase occured among regions following WSED or WEX, thus maintaining the pre-existing gradient between hypothalamic temperature and cortical temperature. The results indicate that high-power density produced a 2-2.5-fold difference in the rate-of-heating within brain regions that were separated by only a few millimeters. In contrast, more homogenous heating was found during low-power density or nonmicrowave modalities of heating.