この研究は、麻酔されたラットを用い、高周波(RF)ばく露中の心拍数(HR)、深部体温(Tco)、および心電図(ECG)波形パラメータを監視した。ばく露群は、600 MHz連続波に、平均SARレベル1.0 および7.4 W/ kgでばく露を受けた。擬似ばく露群を対照とした。RFばく露下でのECGモニタ用の電極は、RF電磁界無擾乱の材料で作成された。ECGの分析により、HRおよび波形間隔を定量化した。その結果、RFばく露を受けたラットのECGに、アーチファクトも不整脈もなかった;ばく露群において、対照群には見られなかったHRとTcoの有意な線形相関が見られた、と報告している。
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To report the results of a study that employed an improved technique to monitor and analyze the electrocardiogram (ECG) during radiofrequency irradiation. The electrodes used for monitoring the ECG during exposure were fabricated from carbon-loaded Teflon wire, a semiconductor material that does not perturb the electromagnetic radiofrequency field.
周波数 | 600 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | 15 min low power, 15 min high power |
Modulation type | CW |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Additional information | experimental protocol consisting of 4 consecutive 15 min segments: 1) control 2) low power 3) high power 4) recovery |
There were no artifacts or arrhythmias in the ECGs of the exposed rats. There was a significant linear correlation between heart rate and body temperature in the exposed group that was not present in the control group. The study has demonstrated an improved technique for monitoring ECG function during exposure to radiofrequency irradiation.