[Jamal他「環境レベル内の3.5 GHz 5G信号にばく露された健康なボランティアの電気的脳活動の評価:無作為化対照研究」(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2023))にスポットライトを当てる] comment

Spotlight on “Assessment of electrical brain activity of healthy volunteers exposed to 3.5 GHz of 5G signals within environmental levels: A controlled-randomised study” by Jamal et al. in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2023)

Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) (ed.)
2024, Spotlight, Mai/2024 no.5: 1-5

Comment from an authority

This comment is not peer-reviewed and was published by a subordinate authority of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (Federal Office for Radiation Protection).


