[Patrignoni他「ヒト皮膚細胞における紫外線放射と5G高周波電磁界ばく露後のミトコンドリアストレスの評価」(Bioelectromagnetics (2023))にスポットライトを当てる] comment

Spotlight on “Evaluation of mitochondrial stress following ultraviolet radiation and 5G radiofrequency field exposure in human skin cells” by Patrignoni et al. in Bioelectromagnetics (2023)

Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) (ed.)
2024, Spotlight, Mai/2024 no.3: 1-6

Comment from an authority

This comment is not peer-reviewed and was published by a subordinate authority of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (Federal Office for Radiation Protection).


