研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[2.8 GHzラジオ周波数照射にばく露された無麻酔およびケタミンで麻酔処理のSprague‐Dawley系ラットにおける心臓血管系の変化] med./bio.

Cardiovascular changes in unanesthetized and ketamine-anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to 2.8-GHz radiofrequency radiation

掲載誌: Lab Anim Sci 1991; 41 (1): 70-75
Journal partially peer-reviewed/peer-review process unclear

この研究は、無麻酔下およびケタミン麻酔(150 mg/kg、筋肉内)下のSprague‐Dawley系ラットに、2.8 GHz無線周波電磁放射ばく露を与え、心臓血管系への影響を調べた。電力密度60 mW/cm2(全身平均SARは約14 W/kg)で、結腸温度が38.5℃から39.5℃に上昇するまでばく露を続けた。麻酔状態の方が、結腸温度上昇に要する時間は有意に長くなった。結果として、ばく露中に、麻酔の有無にかかわらず、心拍数は有意に増加したが、平均動脈血圧は、無麻酔の場合にのみ増加した;麻酔状態における心拍数の増加は、フィッシャーラットを用いた先行研究(心拍数の変化を示さなかった)と対照的である、と報告している。

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To study the thermal and cardiovascular responses of conscious (restraint) versus ketamine anesthetized rats exposed to 2.8 GHz radiofrequency irradiation. The experiments were conducted under the same conditions as in a previous study of Fischer 344 rats (publication 2242).



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 2.8 GHz
Modulation type: CW
ばく露時間: intermittent, see add. information

General information

Each rat was first exposed without and then with anaesthesia.


周波数 2.8 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
  • far field
ばく露時間 intermittent, see add. information
Modulation type CW
Distance between exposed object and exposure source 150 cm
チャンバの詳細 The Eccosorb RF-shielded anechoic chamber was maintained at 27 ± 0.5°C and 20 ± 5% humidity.
ばく露装置の詳細 A rat was restrained in a vented Plexiglas cage and placed within the exposure chamber on a stand made of 2-inch thick high density Styrofoam. The rat was positioned along the boresight and exposed in H-orientation (left lateral exposure, long axis of the body parallel to the magnetic field).
Additional information The exposure was interrupted when the colonic temperature had increased to 39.5°C. It was resumed when the temperature had returned to 38.5°C and was continued until it increased to 39.5°C again. This procedure was repeated for three cycles after which anaesthesia was provided by an i.m. injection of ketamine. After anaesthesia was sufficient, the start sequence and three additional cycles were completed. The rise and recovery times were 4.6 ± 0.2 min and 14.2 ± 1.2 min for unanaesthetized animals and 11.5 ± 1.1 min and 16.4 ± 1.4 min for anaesthetized animals, respectively.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電力密度 60 mW/cm² - 測定値 - -
SAR 14 W/kg average over mass 測定値 whole body -

Reference articles

  • Frei MR et al. (1989): [拘束ラットおよびケタミン麻酔ラットに対する2.8 GHzマイクロ波の影響]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露中


The time required for the 1°C temperature increase was significantly longer in the anesthetized animals. During exposure, heart rate increased significantly both with and without anesthesia, while mean arterial blood pressure increased only when the animals were unanesthetized. The heart rate increase in the anesthetized state contrasts with a lack of change in a previous study of Fischer rats (publication 2242). This difference between anesthetized Sprague-Dawley and Fischer rats should be considered when comparing cardiovascular results obtained from these two strains of rats.


