この研究は、ウサギのCNSに対するマイクロ波ばく露の影響を、脳電図(EEG)および形態学的検査によって調べた。オスのウサギ(n = 70)の頭蓋骨内にねじ電極を植え込み、運動前野、感覚運動野、視覚野の生体電気活動を記録した。第1の実験では、動物を一定の電力密度のパルス波および連続波のマイクロ波に毎日3時間、60日間ばく露した。第2の実験では、徐々に増加する電力密度への単回ばく露を実施した。結果として、10 cmバンド(電力密度7 mW/ cm2)の慢性ばく露では、機能的および形態学的変化が生じ、その変化の大きさはパルス波ばく露の方が大きかった;単回ばく露では大きな影響はなかった、と報告している。(JEIC注:原論文はポーランド語である。このダイジェストは不完全な英文に基づいた。)
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A series of EEG and morphological investigations was carried out to elucidate the influence of microwave exposure on CNS. The difference in the action of a pulsed and continuous electromagnetic field was investigated.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
3 GHz
Modulation type:
3 h/day for 60 days
10 cm bands with pulse modulation
3 GHz
Modulation type:
3 h/day for 60 days
10 cm band with continuous wave
10 GHz
Modulation type:
3 h/day for 60 days
3 cm band with pulse modulation
3 GHz
Modulation type:
pulsed, CW
10 GHz
Modulation type:
Chronic exposure with microwaves within the 10 cm band (7 mW/cm² power density), which do not raise the temperature, produces both functional and morphological changes, their intensity being greater when pulse modulation and not continuous modulation is applied.
The absence of a major effect of a single exposure to microwaves (5-7 mW/cm² power density) and simultaneous intensification of the changes as the period of exposure is prolonged, point to the possibility of cumulation of the doses applied. The negative effect of a single exposure to microwaves of equal length depends on the power density and kind of modulation applied.
The changes revealed under pulse modulation seem to be independent of the thermic effect. On the contrary, the character of the changes in the case of application of continuous modulation and the temperature rise observed seem to indicate a predominance of the thermic effect. The absence of noticeable functional and morphological changes upon exposure to 3 cm microwaves is evidence of the dependence of the effect on wavelength. This in turn seems to be related with the absorption of energy by the surface tissues.