研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[癌遺伝子C-fos Ab1, Ab2、インテグリンα5 β1を誘導する可能性のある要因として家庭環境内電磁界(カラーテレビ、コンピュータモニタ、電子レンジ、携帯電話など) とがんの発生、および、食品やヒト脳内のアミノ酸組成物に対するマイクロ波の影響] med./bio.

Electro-magnetic fields in the home environment (color TV, computer monitor, microwave oven, cellular phone, etc) as potential contributing factors for the induction of oncogene c-fos Ab1, oncogen c-fos Ab2, integrin alpha5 beta1 and development of cancer, as well as effects of microwave on amino acid composition of food and living human brain

掲載誌: Acupunct Electrother Res 1993; 18 (1): 33-73

この研究は、A)パーソナルコンピュータ、B)カラーテレビ、またはC)電子レンジまたは携帯電話から放射された電磁界EMF)に3分間ばく露した健常被験者での影響を、 Bi-Digital O-Ring試験(BDORT)を使用して調べた。なお、アルミニウムホイルシート(胸部または頭部(携帯電話の使用側)に正方形または長方形の穴をあけ、接地または非接地する)による遮蔽(したと著者は考えている)時の影響も調べた。BDORTには、Dysfunction Localization Method、がん関連物質のMolecular Identification Method があるとのことで、それらを利用してEMFばく露した身体領域での異常を検出したと報告している。
(JEIC注:BDORTとは、筋の緊張を利用して生体情報を感知する検査手技で、補助的医学診断法としての有用性を主張しているグループがある )

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1) To evaluate the effects of electromagnetic fields with different frequency components coming from computers, TV's, microwave ovens or hand-held cellular phones on the entry area at the front of the chest of different persons, as well as the exit area at the corresponding part of the back, or vice-versa (see "background/further details").
2) To compare the effects of microwave cooking and gas burner cooking of amino acid composition of foods.
3) To study the effects of microwaves on amino acids on the exposed and non-exposed part of the body.
4) To investigate characteristic findings of electromagnetic field induced diseases and clinical cases where intractable pain or malignant tumors appear in the cross-sectional area exposed to 2 or more electromagnetic fields coming from band-like areas under the patient's bed or coming through the wall at home.


Each person was seated on a chair and the center of the chest was exposed to electromagnetic fields through a square window and/or a rectangular band-shape window made on the heavy-duty aluminium foil shield.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 34.9 kHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 3 min
ばく露2: 16 kHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 3 min
ばく露3: 2.45 GHz
Modulation type: pulsed
ばく露時間: continuous for 3 min
ばく露4: 824.03–848.098 MHz
Modulation type: pulsed
ばく露時間: continuous for 3 min


周波数 34.9 kHz
  • electric field
  • magnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 3 min
  • personal computer, monitor
Distance between exposed object and exposure source 0.3 m
ばく露装置の詳細 test persons wore a shield of heavy-duty aluminium foil with a window a) of 3.5 X 3.5 cm or b) 2 cm x 15 cm which was grounded or not grounded
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 70 nT maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 40-70 nT at 5-2000 Hz, 0.5 m
電界強度 100 V/m maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 50-100 V/m at 5-2000 Hz, 0.5 m
磁束密度 45 nT maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 21-45 nT at 2-400 kHz, 0.5 m
電界強度 10 V/m maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 2-10 V/m at 2-400 kHz, 0.5 m


周波数 16 kHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 3 min
  • colour TV set, 13"-21"
Distance between exposed object and exposure source 1 m
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電界強度 10 V/m - 備考を参照のこと。 - at 60 Hz
電界強度 1 V/m - 備考を参照のこと。 - at 10-60 kHz
電界強度 0.3 V/m maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 0.1-0.3 V/m at 2-400 kHz, 2 m
磁束密度 0.4 nT - 備考を参照のこと。 - at 2-400 kHz, 2 m
磁束密度 80 nT maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 30-80 nT at 5-2000 Hz, 2 m
電界強度 5 V/m maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 1.5-5 V/m at 5-2000 Hz, 2 m


周波数 2.45 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 3 min
Modulation type pulsed
  • microwave oven, 450 W
Distance between exposed object and exposure source 0.5 m
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電力密度 1 mW/cm² maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 0.2-1 mW/cm² at 1 m
電力密度 0.001 mW/cm² minimum 備考を参照のこと。 - 0-0.01 mW/cm² at 4 m
磁束密度 0.4 nT maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 0.3-0.4 nT at 2-400 kHz, 1 m
磁束密度 210 nT maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 160-210 nT at 5-2000 Hz, 1 m
電界強度 10 V/m maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 6.1-10 V/m at 5-2000 Hz, 1 m
電界強度 0.1 V/m maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - at 2-400 kHz, 1 m


周波数 824.03–848.098 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 3 min
Modulation type pulsed
  • セルラ-電話
Distance between exposed object and exposure source 5 cm
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 0.3 nT - 備考を参照のこと。 - at 2-400 kHz, 5-10 cm
電界強度 0.03 V/m - 備考を参照のこと。 - at 2-400 kHz, 5-10 cm
電界強度 5.9 V/m maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 5.4-5.9 V/m at 5-2000 Hz, 5-10 cm
磁束密度 7 nT maximum 備考を参照のこと。 - 3-7 nT at 5-2000 Hz, 5-10 cm


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露前
  • ばく露後


All the electromagnetic field sources not only induced the following various transitional abnormalities on the entry area, but also at the exit area on the back (but the effect lasted for a shorter time than at the entry point):
Monitor exposure of the body resulted in decrease in acetylcholine, appearance of circulatory disturbance with the appearance of thromboxane B2, short-lasting appearance of oncogene c-fos, no appearance of integrin α5β1.
Color television exposure resulted in decrease in acetylcholine, appearance of circulatory disturbance with the appearance of thromboxane B2, short-lasting appearance of oncogene c-fos, very short-lasting appearance of integrin α5β1.
Microwave exposure resulted in decrease in acetylcholine, appearance of circulatory disturbance with the appearance of thromboxane B2, short-lasting appearance of oncogene c-fos, very short-lasting appearance of integrin α5β1. Similar but less effect was found with some hand-held cellular phones.
When the aluminium foil was grounded, less of abnormality appeared even at the exposed part of the chest wall or head in all experiments. This means that prolonged, repeated exposure to electromagnetic fields without any protection may contribute to the possible development of cancer cells.
Therefore, if a strong electromagnetic field is coming from a band-shaped area under the bed to the back of the body for a prolonged period of time, then the front of the body will have an imprint of a similar abnormality.
When rice was cooked or milk was warmed by microwave oven, most of the L-amino acids changed to D-amino acids. Microwave exposure to the human induced similar amino acid changes. Thus the consumption of microwave-cooked food and exposure of the human body to microwaves over a long period of time may influence the nutritional state of the individual and may contribute to induction of cancer as well as Alzheimer's disease.


