ニワトリの摘出前脳標本でCa流出に対する超低周波電界(147MHz, 1-2mW/cm^2,0ー35Hzの変調波)の影響を調べた.20分間のばく露でCa流出を増加させたが,骨格筋では効果が見られなかった.Ca流出効果は,ばく露電界の変調周波数のある限定された範囲で生じる.
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To investigate the effects of 147 MHz radiofrequency irradiation at various AM modulation on the calcium efflux from chicken brain tissue in vitro.
周波数 | 147 MHz |
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | two triangular alminium plates / 4100 cm² |
Additional information | chick brains put into test tubes |
The 147 MHz VHF filed was AM modulated at 0.5, 3, 6, 9, 11, 16, 20, 25, and 35 Hz. Unmodulated exposure and fields modulated at 0.5 and 3 Hz as well as 35 Hz modulation did not significantly alter the calcium efflux. Whereas a progressive increase of calcium efflux at modulation frequencies from 6 to 16 Hz were observed. At 20 Hz AM modulation the calcium efflux were comparable to the one at 6 Hz. Results obtained at 25 Hz modulation were not statisically significant.
Data obtained from an additional experiment with NaCN poisoned brain tissue did not differ and suggests that the calcium efflux is independent of other metabolic activities.
Finally, a preliminary experiment with chicken skeletal muscle did not indicate any major differences.