この研究は、脳波の周波数で振幅変調された高周波電磁界を用いて、単離したニワトリ脳組織からの45Ca2 +流出へのばく露の影響を調べた。その結果、ばく露による45Ca2 +流出の増加が観察された;この応答は、実験槽溶液のカルシウム濃度(0〜4.16mM)の変動に敏感ではなかったが、溶液へのH +添加(0.108mM HCl)によって増強された;溶液が正常な重炭酸塩レベル(2.4mM)でない場合、応答は抑制された; 重炭酸塩を含まない溶液にランタンを添加すると電気的応答性は回復したが、45Ca2 +流出増加はなく、代わりに減少した、と報告している。
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To investigate the effects of 450 MHz AM modulated radiofrequence exposure on the calcium efflux from chicken brain tissue in combination with bathing solutions of different ionic strength.
The aim of the study was to find a better definition of the calcium sites responding to weak electrical stimulation.
First, changes in calcium efflux were studied in relation to calcium concentration in the medium, because calcium-calcium interactions have often been shown to play an important role in the regulation of calcium uptake and release.
Another approach to differentiating possible components of the 45Ca2+ efflux was to attempt modification of calcium release by adding lanthanum. The trivalent lanthanum ion has been found to be effective in blocking calcium flux across excitable membranes.
16 Hz AM modulated radiofrequency is capable to stimulate the calcium efflux of pre-incubated isolated chicken brain tissue. Calcium concentration (in the range of 0 - 4.16 mM) in the bathing solution had no significantly effect on calcium efflux, compared with control. Calcium efflux was inhanced by the addition of H+ (HCl (0.108 mM)) and inhibited by the absence of normal bicarbonate levels (2.4 mM HCO3-). The addition of lanthanum (0.5 mM LaCl3) to bicarbonate-free solutions leads to an decreased calcium efflux in irradiated samples.