この研究は、ラット甲状腺における熱ショックタンパク(HSP)90および70の遺伝子発現に対する2.45GHz電磁界の影響を調べた。HSP90、70の発現レベル、甲状腺の損傷レベル、甲状腺細胞のクロマチン凝集と核の断片化を影響評価指標とした。成獣の雌のSprague-Dawleyラット54匹を、出力レベルを変化させたギガヘルツTEMセル内で、種々のSAR(いずれも非熱レベル)に30分間ばく露する実験を行った。その結果、甲状腺での平均SARが0.046±0.001または0.104±0.005W/kg(それぞれ出力レベル1.5および3WにおけるEDTD法による計算値)のばく露が終了して90分後では、HSP90およびHSP70のレベルが有意に低下した; 24時間後では、HSP90レベルは部分的に回復し、HSP70レベルは完全に回復した;全てのばく露レベルのいずれのラットにおいても、甲状腺の腺管構造の損傷はほとんどなく、アポトーシスの兆候は陰性であった、と報告している。
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To examine whether exposure to a 2.45 GHz electromagnetic field modifies the level of the heat shock proteins Hsp70 and Hsp90 and damages the morphological structure in the thyroid gland as well as to investigate whether apoptosis occurs.
Female rats were distributed equally into two groups: 1.) sacrificed 90 min after exposure with different specific absorption rates: 1 a) 0 W, 1 b) 1.5 W, 1 c) 3 W and 1 d) 12 W (n= 6 per subgroup). 2.) sacrificed 24 h after exposure with different absorption rates: 2 a) 0 W, 2 b) 1.5 W, 2 c) 3 W and 2 d) 12 W (n= 6 per subgroup).
ばく露 | パラメータ |
2.45 GHz
continuous for 30 min
2.45 GHz
continuous for 30 min
2.45 GHz
continuous for 30 min
rats were treated in the following groups and subgroups: group I: killed after 90 min a) sham exposure b) exposure to 1.5 W c) exposure to 3 W d) exposure to 12 W group II: killed after 24 h a) sham exposure b) exposure to 1.5 W c) exposure to 3 W d) exposure to 12 W
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 30 min |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | 1.25 m x 0.65 m x 0.45 m GTEM cell; rat placed inside the GTEM cell at the region of maximum field uniformity |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 30 min |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 30 min |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
90 minutes after the exposure to 1.5 W, a significant decrease in Hsp70 levels occurred in comparison to the control. Hsp90 levels were significantly decreased 90 minutes after the exposure at power levels of 1.5 W and 3 W, as well as 24 hours after the exposure at a power level of 3 W compared to the control. Tissue slices of the thyroid gland of exposed animals (1.5 W and 3 W) did not show any morphological alterations when compared to unexposed animals. 90 minutes and 24 hours after the exposure at 12 W, only a slight loss of cell adhesion was observed in some thyroid gland follicles. No indication for apoptosis was observed in tissue slices from exposed (all groups and different specific absorption rates) or sham exposed animals.
The results suggest that exposure to a 2.45 GHz electromagnetic field may alter levels of cellular stress in rat thyroid gland.