この研究は、周波数70.6および73 GHz、低強度(コニカルアンテナの遠方界、0.06 mW/ cm2)の電磁照射(EMI)ばく露を大腸菌に与え、影響を調べた。ばく露は、(固形培地上の)大腸菌に直接、または再蒸留水またはアッセイバッファー液中の大腸菌に与え、ばく露時間は0.5、1、2時間連続で行った後、2時間の休憩をおいて1時間ばく露を追加した。その結果、直接または2種類の水溶液中での1時間のEMIばく露により、大腸菌の増殖パラメータに顕著な変化が生じた;さらに、EMIばく露後の2時間の休憩時間中に菌は増殖を再開し1.2倍に増えた;その後に追加したEMIばく露は影響をしなかった;また、EMIばく露後に、水溶液の吸光度、pH、導電率が著しく変化した;以上の知見から、これらの周波数のEMIは、大腸菌と相互作用して増殖に影響を与えるとともに、周囲の水溶液(水)とも相互作用する可能性が示された、と報告している。
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To study the effects of millimeter waves (70.6 and 73 GHz) on Escherichia coli growth and the properties of water.
The millimeter waves of the 70.6 and 73 GHz frequency are resonant for Escherichia coli, but not for water. Escherichia coli was exposed directly (on solid growth medium), in bi-distilled water or in assay buffer. Additional experiments were performed with Escherichia coli, incubated for 10 minutes in bi-distilled water or in assay buffer exposed with millimeter waves for one hour.
Furthermore, bi-distilled water was exposed and investigated.
周波数 | 70.6 GHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 0.5, 1 and 2 h; the 1 h exposure was additionally repeated after 2 h hour rest period |
Modulation type | AM |
Modulation frequency | 1 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 20 cm |
チャンバの詳細 | closed chamber |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
電力密度 | 0.06 mW/cm² | - | 測定値 | - | - |
The growth rate of Escherichia coli decreased after exposure to 70.6 and 73 GHz millimeter waves (1 and 2 h) in bi-distilled water and in the assay buffer. Two hours after exposure termination, the growth rate recovered.
Exposure of water or buffer alone and subsequent incubation with Escherichia coli had no effect on bacterial growth.
Water properties (optical density, pH, and electric conductance) were also changed after exposure.
The data indicate that millimeter wave exposure to 70.6 and 73 GHz could interact with bacteria and the surrounding medium (water).