この研究は、749匹の妊娠ラットに、妊娠の最初の16日間のどの日かに、1回の短波治療を実施し、胎仔への影響を調べた、短波治療中に直腸の温度は42 ℃に達し、短時間その温度が持続した。妊娠20日目に、帝王切開により7800匹の胎仔が出産した。さらに、妊娠黄体が数えられ、成熟した胎仔の数との一致を確認した。高レベルの短波治療の結果として、多数の奇形が発生した;1回の短波治療を実施した時期と発生した奇形のタイプの催奇形期が対応した;着床前の短波治療は胚の大部分に致命的に作用した、と報告している。
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To study the effects of temperature elevation induced by a short-wave therapy device on early pregnancy of rats.
749 pregnant rats were exposed to a single short wave treatment in the first 16 days of the pregnancy inducing short lasting rectal temperatures of 42°C. Additional investigations were performed at 39 and 41°C and controls were performed at 38°C. On the 20th day of pregnancy 7800 foetuses were delivered by Caesarian section.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
27.12 MHz
continuous for approx. 10 min. (rectal temperatures of 42°C) at different days of early pregnancy
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周波数 | 27.12 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for approx. 10 min. (rectal temperatures of 42°C) at different days of early pregnancy |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | abdomen of pregnant rats were heated by short-wave therapy apparatus |
No parameters are specified for this exposure.
As a consequence of the hyperthermia treatment numerous malformations arose. The data revealed malformations of the central nervous system, the eys, the tail and extremities as well as cleft palates. The malformation type corresponded to the teratogenic phase at the time of the short wave treatment. Before implantation (i.e. during the first days of pregnancy), the short-wave therapy was lethal for the majority of the embryos.