この研究は、培養中のウシの眼の水晶体に対するマイクロ波放射の局所的な影響を2週間にわたって調べた。その結果、マイクロ波放射が眼の水晶体に与えた影響を巨視的レベルで観察すると、1 GHzで数mWに36時間以上ばく露すると、水晶体の光学機能に影響することが明らかになった;ばく露が中断されれば、自己回復が確認された;水晶体を精密に検査すると、顕微鏡レベルの相互作用メカニズムは、温度上昇を経て白内障が発生するメカニズムとは完全に異なることが示された;後者の効果とは反対に、それは水晶体縫合線の周辺で特に顕著であり、レンズを構成する線維の端部間の局所的摩擦の結果であると想定された;たとえ巨視的には水晶体が照射から回復したとしても、もしかしたら微視的には照射の影響の徴候は残るかもしれない、と報告している。
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A novel experimental system was used to study the localized effects of microwave irradiation on eye lenses in culture for over 2 weeks. The purpose of the study was to focus on effects that are not caused by global temperature increase (temperature is maintained constant at 35°C).
周波数 | 1.1 GHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | intermittent, 50 min on/10 min off, for 8 days (192 cycles) |
Modulation type | CW |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
チャンバの詳細 | The exposure system consisting of four transmission lines was placed in an incubator maintained at 35°C. |
ばく露装置の詳細 | Each lens was placed in a vessel and completely immersed in tissue culture medium. The vessel was inserted between the two metallic plates forming the transmission line that were of the same width as their separation. The medium filled the vessel up to the height of the plates. The configuration was designed to maximize both the uniformity and the intensity of the field in the lens region (11-12 mm height and 15-16 mm diameter). |
Additional information | Four lenses were exposed simultaneously while four control lenses were kept in another incubator at the same temperature for the same period of time without any exposure to MW radiation. |
The authors found clear evidence that this irradiation has a significant impact on the eye lens. At the macroscopic level, it is revealed that exposure to a few mW at 1 GHz for over 36 h affects the optical function of the lens. Self-recovery occurs if the irradiation is interrupted.
At the microscopic level, close examination of the lens indicates that the interaction mechanism is completely different from the mechanism-causing cataract via temperature increase. Even if macroscopically the lens has recovered from the exposure, microscopically the indicators of irradiation impact remain.