研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[強力なマイクロ波界からのラットの脱出の光の合図] med./bio.

Photic cuing of escape by rats from an intense microwave field

掲載誌: Bioelectromagnetics 1982; 3 (1): 105-116

この研究は、メスHoodedラット(実験用頭巾斑ネズミ:n = 16)に、4つの刺激条件(高強度918MHzマイクロ波ばく露(60mW / g);光刺激ばく露(約350ルクス);光刺激同期したマイクロ波ばく露;ファラデーショック(約800マイクロArms))のどれか1つの刺激から逃避する訓練を行い、逃避反応の獲得の違いを調べた。1回2分間、1日当たり5回の試行で合計25回の訓練を行った。マルチモードキャビティの安全な領域へ入ったラットには、刺激の即時かつ完全な停止がもたらされる。キャビティから出し、2分間の休憩を置いて訓練を再開した。その結果、逃避反応の獲得は、ファラデーショックを受けた動物において最も迅速かつ高効率であった;迅速さと効率はそれより劣ったが、光刺激同期したマイクロ波ばく露においても逃避反応は信頼性高く実証された;光刺激の停止は、逃避行動の確実な動機付けではなかった;マイクロ波単独ばく露の場合の逃避行動学習の証拠は弱かったが、光単独の場合の成績との違いはなかった、と報告している。

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To study the effects of microwave irradiation on escape behavior of rats.


Rats received 25 2-min trials of training under one of four stimulus conditions: exposure to a highly intense 918 MHz field (dose rate, 60 mW/g); exposure to photic stimulation; exposure to the field in synchrony with photic stimulation; or exposure to faradic shock (i.e. by electric current). During conditioning trials, entry by a rat into a safe area of a multimode cavity resulted in immediate and complete cessation of stimulation; exit, in resumption.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 918 MHz
Modulation type: CW
ばく露時間: five 2-minute intervals with irradiation alternating with six 2-minute intervals with sham-exposure
  • SAR: 60 mW/g mean (whole body) (determined calorimetrically)


周波数 918 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
  • guided field
ばく露時間 five 2-minute intervals with irradiation alternating with six 2-minute intervals with sham-exposure
Additional information 4 groups were used in this study; One group served as active control which received faradic shocks to the feet, the other groups were either microwave exposed or received photic stimulation or both.
Modulation type CW
  • cavity modified (Carroll et al. 1980)
チャンバの詳細 cavity 44 vertical x 58 horizontal x 39 cm front to back, false floor 9cm above base of cavity
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 60 mW/g mean 計算値 whole body determined calorimetrically


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露中


Acquisition of the escape response was rapid and highly efficient for shocked rats and was less rapid and efficient but was reliably demonstrated by exposed animals that were also signaled by light. In the absence of microwaves, cessation of light did not reliably motivate escape behavior. Although there was weak evidence of escape learning by animals subjected only to microwave irradiation, their performance failed to differ reliably from those of rats in the light-only condition. These results confirm and extend those of Carroll et al. (publication 88), which indicate that potentially lethal, deeply penetrating, nonpulsed microwaves in a multipath field lack the sensory quality to motivate efficient aversive behavior by the rat.


