この研究は、特別に設計されたマイクロ波装置を用いて、熱によるヒト赤血球溶血の閾値を測定した。ヒトの全血サンプルおよび緩衝生理食塩水に赤血球を懸濁させたサンプルを用いて、第1実験(温度上昇中、断続ばく露。例えば、平均SAR = 250 mW/ gの場合、全血サンプルの最大温度は50 ℃)、および第2実験(温度一定の状態で断続ばく露を30分間。例えば、平均SAR = 250 mW/ gの場合、全血サンプルの最大温度は50 ℃)を実施した。その結果、全血中の赤血球の最初の溶血を引き起こすためには、50〜55 ℃の温度が必要であった;一方、緩衝生理食塩水に懸濁した赤血球の溶血の閾値は37℃に下がった;吸収エネルギー測定値に基づけば、溶血効果は本質的に熱的であるという結論を導くことができる、と報告している。
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To perform a systematic study of the thermal threshold for human blood.
Microwave heating is used in therapeutic treatment of several diseases. It is therefore useful to know the thermostability of red blood cells.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
intermittent* during the growth phase
intermittent* during the steady state temperature phase for at least 30 min
*Heating of samples were divided into 2 phases: Growth phase in which irradiation is applied when the temperature is below a given function in time. Steady state temperature in which irradiation is applied when the temperature falls below the preset value
ばく露時間 | intermittent* during the growth phase |
Additional information | Microwave irradiation Reference article: Bacci M, Bini M, Checcucci A, Ignesti A, Millanta L, Rubino N and Vanni R (1981) J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 77: 1503-1509. |
Modulation type | unspecified |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | The heating system consisted of a resonant cavity with sample positioned at the point of maximum coupling to the electric field. |
Additional information | The sample was contained in a Plexiglas cuvette (10 x 10 x 45 mm³) which was inserted in a section of an S-band waveguide filled with lossless thermal insulating material. |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
SAR | 250 mW/g | mean | 電力損失による決定値 | cf. remarks | when the blood samples were heated upto 50°C |
ばく露時間 | intermittent* during the steady state temperature phase for at least 30 min |
Additional information | Microwave irradiation |
Modulation type | unspecified |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
SAR | 250 W/kg | mean | 電力損失による決定値 | cf. remarks | when the blood samples were heated up to 50°C |
Temperatures between 50 and 55°C are necessary to produce an initial haemolysis of red blood cells in the whole blood, while the thermal threshold drops to 37°C for erythrocytes suspended in buffered saline.