レビュー (医学/生物学の研究)
[電磁界の健康リスク その1.電界と磁界の評価]
Health risks of electromagnetic fields. Part I: Evaluation and assessment of electric and magnetic fields
Habash RW, Brodsky LM, Leiss W, Krewski D, Repacholi M
掲載誌: Crit Rev Biomed Eng 2003; 31 (3): 141-195
- genotoxicity/mutation: DNA damage, mutation
- cell viability/cell division/proliferation: cell proliferation
- cell function: intracellular calcium, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC)
- cancer: childhood cancer and leukemia, breast cancer, adult cancer; animal cancer studies
- effects on the reproductive system: reproductive toxic effects
- effects on the immune system: immune system
- effects on the cardiovascular system: cardiovascular diseases and function
- endocrine changes: melatonin
- effects on the neurological system: neurodegenerative diseases
- cognitive/behavioral endpoints: behavioral effects in animals and humans
- hypersensitivity/subjective complaints: perception and sensitivity
- epidemiology: public and occupational environments, see "cancer"
- dosimetry/technology: measurement, sources of EMF exposure, induced electric fields and current density
- guidelines/safety: guidelines and recommendations published by IEEE, NRPB, ICNIRP, and Swedish Standards