Study type:
Medical/biological study
(experimental study)
An Investigation Into the Effects of Long-Term 50-Hz Power-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure on Hematogram, Blood Chemistry, Fibrosis, and Oxidant Stress Status in the Liver and the Kidney From Sprague-Dawley Rats
Zhang Y, Wang J, Liu X, Ding L, Wu X, He M, Hou H, Ruan G, Lai J, Chen C
Published in: Bioelectromagnetics 2020; 41 (7): 511-525
animals were housed in controlled environmental conditions (23±2°C, 60% ± 5% humidity and 12 h dark/12 h light cycle) in polycarbonate ventilated cages (45 x 20 × 35 cm, L × W × H)
there were five layers in the exposure device (200 × 70 × 200 cm, L × W× H); a plastic rack (exposure area, 140 × 70 × 200 cm, L × W × H) with four floors was placed inside the exposure device; horizontal bronze wires were used to produce a homogeneousverticalmagnetic field; the wires were fixed tightly to the framework to decrease vibration and noise
two exposure systems were constructed, one used for exposure and another used for sham exposure; the two systems were located in separate, nonadjacent rooms, which had the same conditions and contained no other electrical devices (e.g., computers)
Sieroń K et al.
Electromagnetic Fields Modify Redox Balance in the Rat Gastrointestinal Tract
Wang J et al.
The effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields exposure at 1 mT on hemogram and blood biochemistry in rats
Luo X et al.
Effects of subchronic extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure on biochemical parameters in rats
Lai J et al.
Effects of 100 µT extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields exposure on hematograms and blood chemistry in rats
Hori T et al.
Effect of 50 Hz electric field in diacylglycerol acyltransferase mRNA expression level and plasma concentration of triacylglycerol, free fatty acid, phospholipid and total cholesterol
Coskun O et al.
Effect of ELF electric field on some on biochemistry characters in the rat serum
Martinez-Samano J et al.
Effects of acute electromagnetic field exposure and movement restraint on antioxidant system in liver, heart, kidney and plasma of Wistar rats: A preliminary report
Contalbrigo L et al.
Effects of different electromagnetic fields on circadian rhythms of some haematochemical parameters in rats
Canseven AG et al.
Effects of various extremely low frequency magnetic fields on the free radical processes, natural antioxidant system and respiratory burst system activities in the heart and liver tissues
Bahaoddini A et al.
Effect of exposure to low frequency electromagnetic field on the plasma glucose, insulin, triglyceride and cholesterol of male rats
Gerardi G et al.
Effects of electromagnetic fields of low frequency and low intensity on rat metabolism
Torres-Duran PV et al.
Effects of whole body exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) on serum and liver lipid levels, in the rat
Tohumoglu G et al.
Formulation of ELF magnetic fields' effects on malondialdehyde level and myeloperoxidase activity in kidney using genetic programming
Sedghi H et al.
Biological effects of power frequency magnetic fields on serum biochemical parameters in guinea pigs
Harakawa S et al.
Effects of exposure to a 50 Hz electric field on plasma levels of lactate, glucose, free Fatty acids, triglycerides and creatine phosphokinase activity in hind-limb ischemic rats
Harakawa S et al.
Effects of a 50 Hz electric field on plasma lipid peroxide level and antioxidant activity in rats