Risk management comprises decisions and regulations for minimizing and regulating risks to protect public health and respect public concerns. Government legislation enacts laws based on the recommendations considering scientific results. Furthermore, precaution is applied by following the precautionary principle.
There is no unique definition of precautionary principle. According to the European Commission it is specified in following way:
“The precautionary principle enables rapid response in the face of a possible danger to human, animal or plant health, or to protect the environment. In particular, where scientific data do not permit a complete evaluation of the risk, recourse to this principle may, for example, be used to stop distribution or order withdrawal from the market of products likely to be hazardous.”
In Germany, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) establishes recommendations for precautionary measures to minimize public exposure to electromagnetic fields beyond the limit values of the 26th BImSchV. The advice covers individual behavior patterns such as: to keep distance from the exposure source, to reduce the duration of exposure and to use emission-reduced appliances.
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