In the first experiment, acute and delayed effects of a GSMsignal on behavioral pattern were examined. Therefore, 4 groups of male rats and 4 groups of female rats were investigated: 1.) 5 min after sham exposure, 2.) 5 min after exposure, 3.) 24 h after sham exposure and 4.) 24 h after exposure. In the second experiment, acute (20 min) and delayed (24 h) effects of a GSMsignal on the antioxidant defense system and on oxidative stress parameters were examined. Again, 4 male and 4 female groups (see above) were used. Each group contained 10 rats.
Belyaev IY et al.
Exposure of rat brain to 915 MHz GSM microwaves induces changes in gene expression but not double stranded DNA breaks or effects on chromatin conformation
In the open field test, 5 minutes after exposure, male rats from the exposed group showed an increased verticalmotor activity and more center visits compared to sham exposed males. On the contrary, exposed female rats showed a decreased horizontal and verticalmotor activity, as well as less center visits, while the freezing time and the number of defecations was increased compared to sham exposed females. 24 hours after the exposure, exposed male rats showed less center visits than sham exposed males, while exposed females showed an increased number of defecations and an elongated freezing time compared with the sham exposed group. Analysis of plasma levels of glucocorticoids revealed an increase 20 minutes after the exposure in male and female exposedrats compared to sham exposed ones, while the delayed effects (24 hours after exposure) were only seen in male exposedrats (decreased glucocorticoid levels). Evaluation of the effects of exposure on the antioxidant defense system showed that the levels of lipid hydroperoxides decreased in male rats 20 minutes after exposure in comparison to the control. In exposed females, increased superoxide dismutase-like activity was detected 24 hours after exposure. No changes in other parameters of the antioxidant defense system occurred. The authors suggest that a single exposure to a GSMsignal with a frequency of 905 MHz could have an influence on locomotor, orientation and exploratory activities and anxiety of rats, as well as on the antioxidant defense system. Some of the observed effects could depend on animal gender.
Saikhedkar N et al.
Effects of mobile phone radiation (900 MHz radiofrequency) on structure and functions of rat brain
de Caires Jr LC et al.
Behavior and memory evaluation of Wistar rats exposed to 1.8 GHz radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation
Marzook EM et al.
Protective role of sesame oil against mobile base station-induced oxidative stress
Odaci E et al.
The Effects of 900 Megahertz Electromagnetic Field Applied in the Prenatal Period on Spinal Cord Morphology and Motor Behavior in Female Rat Pups
Deshmukh PS et al.
Effect of low level microwave radiation exposure on cognitive function and oxidative stress in rats
Megha K et al.
Microwave radiation induced oxidative stress, cognitive impairment and inflammation in brain of Fischer rats
Sokolovic D et al.
The effect of melatonin on body mass and behaviour of rats during an exposure to microwave radiation from mobile phone
Daniels WM et al.
The effect of electromagnetic radiation in the mobile phone range on the behaviour of the rat
Sinha RK
Chronic non-thermal exposure of modulated 2450 MHz microwave radiation alters thyroid hormones and behavior of male rats
Nittby H et al.
Cognitive impairment in rats after long-term exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation
Kumlin T et al.
Mobile phone radiation and the developing brain: behavioral and morphological effects in juvenile rats
Vozeh F et al.
Study of high-frequency electromagnetic field effect on some somatic and neuro-behavioral characteristics in healthy and neurodefective mice
Crouzier D et al.
Neurophysiologic effects at low level 1.8 GHz radiofrequency field exposure: a multiparametric approach on freely moving rats
Oktem F et al.
Oxidative damage in the kidney induced by 900-MHz-emitted mobile phone: protection by melatonin
Mausset-Bonnefont AL et al.
Acute exposure to GSM 900-MHz electromagnetic fields induces glial reactivity and biochemical modifications in the rat brain
Dubreuil D et al.
Does head-only exposure to GSM-900 electromagnetic fields affect the performance of rats in spatial learning tasks?
Kemerov S et al.
Effects of low-intensity electromagnetic fields on behavioral activity of rats