Ntzouni MP et al.
Transient and cumulative memory impairments induced by GSM 1.8 GHz cell phone signal in a mouse model
Khirazova EE et al.
Effects of GSM-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Some Physiological and Biochemical Parameters in Rats
Chaturvedi CM et al.
2.45 GHz (CW) microwave irradiation alters circadian organization, spatial memory, DNA structure in the brain cells and blood cell counts of male mice, Mus musculus
Narayanan SN et al.
Effect of radio-frequency electromagnetic radiations (RF-EMR) on passive avoidance behaviour and hippocampal morphology in Wistar rats
Nittby H et al.
Cognitive impairment in rats after long-term exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation
Barcal J et al.
Effect of whole-body exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic field on the brain cortical and hippocampal activity in mouse experimental model
Barcal J et al.
Effect of whole-body exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic field on the brain electrogeny in neurodefective and healthy mice
Dubreuil D et al.
Head-only exposure to GSM 900-MHz electromagnetic fields does not alter rat's memory in spatial and non-spatial tasks
Dubreuil D et al.
Does head-only exposure to GSM-900 electromagnetic fields affect the performance of rats in spatial learning tasks?
Sienkiewicz ZJ et al.
Low-level exposure to pulsed 900 MHz microwave radiation does not cause deficits in the performance of a spatial learning task in mice
Wang B et al.
Acute exposure to pulsed 2450 MHz microwaves affects water-maze performance of rats
Bornhausen M et al.
Prenatal exposure to 900 MHz, cell-phone electromagnetic fields had no effect on operant-behavior performances of adult rats
Lai H et al.
Acute exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field affects rats' water-maze performance
Lai H et al.
Microwave irradiation affects radial-arm maze performance in the rat
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