Study type: Epidemiological study (observational study)

Case-control study on radiology work, medical x-ray investigations, and use of cellular telephones as risk factors for brain tumors epidem.

Published in: MedGenMed 2000; 2 (2): E2

Aim of study (acc. to author)

In this study, further analyses on the database of a Swedish case-control study (see publication 1015) were performed on the risk of brain tumours and the use of cellular telephones, exposure to ionizing radiation and chemicals.

Further details

Furthermore, there is an additional, similar analysis on the database of the same case-control study (publication 1015) in publication 9009.

Endpoint/type of risk estimation

Type of risk estimation: (odds ratio (OR))



Exposure groups

Group Description
Group 1 tumor localization brain hemisphere, ipsilateral cellular phone use
Group 2 tumor localization brain hemisphere, contralateral use
Group 3 tumor localization brain hemisphere, ipsilateral and contralateral use
Group 4 tumor localization frontal, frontoparietal, parietal, or parieto-occipital, ipsilateral use
Group 5 tumor localization frontal, frontoparietal, parietal, or parieto-occipital, contralateral use
Group 6 tumor localization frontal, frontoparietal, parietal, or parieto-occipital, ipsilateral and contralateral use
Group 7 tumor localization temporal, occipital or temporoparietal, ipsilateral use
Group 8 tumor localization temporal, occipital or temporoparietal, contralateral use
Group 9 tumor localization temporal, occipital or temporoparietal, ipsilateral and contralateral use


Case group

Control group

Study size

Cases Controls
Eligible 270 -
Contacted 233 466
Participants 217 439
Evaluable 209 425

anatomic tumor localization assessed for 198 patients

Statistical analysis method:

Results (acc. to author)

Only results concerning exposure to electromagnetic fields are listed within the EMF-Portal.
No association was found with occupations with potential exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (eg., electrician, electronics work, lineman, or telecommunication work) and the risk for brain tumor. The use of a video display unit did not increase the risk. An increased risk for brain tumor was found for ipsilateral use of cellular phone in the anatomic area with highest microwave dose.

Limitations (acc. to author)

The result for cellular phone exposure is based on low numbers (13 cases) and must be interpreted with caution.

Study funded by

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