Study type:
Epidemiological study
(observational study)
Use of wireless telephones and self-reported health symptoms: a population-based study among Swedish adolescents aged 15-19 years
Söderqvist F, Carlberg M, Hardell L
Published in: Environ Health 2008; 7: 18
Aim of study (acc. to author)
Further details
Regular use of a mobile phone was defined as talk ≥ 2 min/day and regular DECT use as talk ≥ 5 min/day.
Endpoint/type of risk estimation
Type of risk estimation:
(odds ratio (OR))
Exposure groups
Reference group 1
mobile phone use < 2 min/day: unexposed
Group 2
mobile phone use ≥ 2 min/day: exposed
Reference group 3
DECT phone use < 5 min/day: unexposed
Group 4
DECT phone use ≥ 5 min/day: unexposed
15–19 years
Observation period:
October 2005
Study location:
Data source:
Swedish population registry
Study size
Type |
Value |
Total |
2,000 |
Participants |
1,269 |
Participation rate |
63 % |
Statistical analysis method:
- unconditional logistic regression
- Chi-square test
Results (acc. to author)
Limitations (acc. to author)
The findings should be interpreted with caution because the investigation was explorative and bias and confounding cannot be excluded.
Study funded by
Cancer och Allergifonden (Cancer and Allergy Foundation), Sweden
Örebro Cancer Fund, Sweden
Örebro County Council Research Committee, Sweden
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