Three experiments were conducted: For the first experiment, to examine learning and memory, 438 immobilized bees were used in total and divided into four exposure groups: 1a) sham exposure (n=114), 1b) 20 µT magnetic field (n=111), 1c) 100 µT magnetic field (n=106) and 1d) 1000 µT magnetic field (n=107). In the second experiment, the wing beat frequency in tethered bees was determined. The following groups were examined (n=30 per group): 2a) sham exposure, 2b) 100 µT magnetic field, 2c) 1000 µT magnetic field or 2d) 7000 µT magnetic field. The third experiment examined foraging activity and feeding in 2,919 bees and took place in an arena with the hive on one side and the feeder on the other side. After 30 minutes for adaption and locating the feeder, 15 minutes baseline behavior were recorded. Then, behavior was recorded during 15 minutes of exposure to a 100 µT magnetic field or sham exposure. Seven days later, the experiment was repeated. Bees that had been sham exposed in the first trial were now magnetic field-exposed and vice versa.
cognitive/behavioral endpoints: learning and memory (proboscis extension reflex in an arena after being conditioned with an odour stimulus and sugar solution); motor abilities (wing beat frequency 0.5 seconds before and 2.5 seconds after exposure began, video recording); foraging (number of succesful flights, i.e., flights from one side of the arena (hive) to the other (feeding place) and back) and feeding (number of bees feeding every minute) (video recording)
Fundacao de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), Brazil
Science without Borders (Ciência sem Fronteiras, Brazil)
University of Southampton, UK
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