Study type:
Epidemiological study
(observational study)
Mortality from neurodegenerative disease and exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields: 31 years of observations on Swiss railway employees
Röösli M, Lörtscher M, Egger M, Pfluger D, Schreier N, Lörtscher E, Locher P, Spoerri A, Minder C
Published in: Neuroepidemiology 2007; 28 (4): 197-206
Aim of study (acc. to author)
Endpoint/type of risk estimation
- measurement: measurements in 1993-1994 and in 2003-2004
- calculation: annual exposure for each occupational group and cumulative exposure by adding up annual workplace specific exposures according to start and end date of employment based on measurements and modelling
Exposure groups
Group 1
train drivers
Group 2
shunting yard engineers
Group 3
train attendants
Group 4
station masters
men who were registered as employed or retired in the personnel and pension records of the Swiss Federal Railways
Observation period:
1972 - 2002
Study location:
Study size
Statistical analysis method:
- Cox proportional regressions analysis
Results (acc. to author)
Study funded by
Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH; Bundesamt für Gesundheit), Switzerland
Federal Office of Transport (FOT; Bundesamt für Verkehr), Switzerland
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