Study type: Medical/biological study (experimental study)

Assessment of biological changes of continuous whole body exposure to static magnetic field and extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields in mice med./bio.

Published in: Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2008; 71 (3): 895-902

Aim of study (acc. to author)

To study the effects of continuous whole body exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted from two different sources (static and time varying electromagnetic fields) for 30 days on changes in physiological parameters mainly in the liver and the blood of male mice.

Background/further details

The mice were divided into three groups of eight animals: one control (sham exposure) and two exposure group (static and time varying exposure).



Exposure Parameters
Exposure 1:
Exposure duration: continuous for 30 days
Exposure 2: 50 Hz
Exposure duration: continuous for 30 days

General information

for further information on the LF-exposure setup see: Kowalczuk, C.I., Sienkiewicz, Z.J., Saunders, R.D. "Biological Effects of Exposure to Non-ionizing Electromagnetic fields and Radiation. I. static Electric and Magnetic Fields (NRPB-R238) Natl. Radiat. Protec. Board, Chilton, UK, 1991

Exposure 1

Main characteristics
Exposure duration continuous for 30 days
Exposure setup
Exposure source
Setup mice in a Perpex cage with a large magnet on two opposite sides, a small magnet the other two opposite sides and a medium magnet on the floor to build the gradient field
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
magnetic flux density 2.9 µT maximum measured - - 2.9 - +2.9 µT

Exposure 2

Main characteristics
Frequency 50 Hz
Exposure duration continuous for 30 days
Exposure setup
Exposure source
Setup two Helmholtz coils each with a diameter of 40 cm and 200 turns on a wooden support frame, 20 cm apart; cage between the coils
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
magnetic flux density 1.4 mT effective value measured and calculated - +/- 0.1 mT

Reference articles

Exposed system:

Methods Endpoint/measurement parameters/methodology

Investigated system:
Investigated organ system:
Time of investigation:
  • during exposure
  • after exposure

Main outcome of study (acc. to author)

The data showed a gradual body weight loss when animals were exposed to either field. This was coupled with a significant decrease in the levels of glucose, total protein and the enzyme activity of alkaline phosphatase in serum. A significant increase in lactate dehydrogenase enzyme activity was demonstrated in serum and liver, as well as a significant elevation of gamma-glutamyltransferase enzyme activity in the liver. The glutathione S-transferase enzyme activity and lipid peroxidation level in the liver were significantly increased while a significant decrease in hepatic glutathione content was recorded.
A significant decrease in the number of monocytes, platelets, peripheral lymphocytes as well as splenic total, T cells and B lymphocytes levels was found for both exposure groups. The granulocytes percentage was significantly increased.
The findings indicate that there is a association between the exposure to static magnetic field or extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields and the oxidative stress through distressing redox balance leading to physiological disturbances.

Study character:

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