Study type: Medical/biological study (experimental study)

Effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on proteoglycan biosynthesis of articular cartilage is age dependent med./bio.

Published in: Ann Rheum Dis 2006; 65 (7): 949-951

Aim of study (acc. to author)

To study the effects of a pulsed electromagnetic field on articular cartilage matrix biosynthesis with regard to age and cartilage damage.

Background/further details

A matrix depleted cartilage explant model was used. Cartilage explants were obtained from metacarpophalangeal joints of calves and adult cows. Depletion of the extracellular matrix was performed by trypsin digestion. Digested tissue samples were divided into an exposure test group and non-exposure control group and were incubated with and without the addition of interleukin 1beta (it is thougth that interleukin 1beta plays a major role in cartilage destruction).



Exposure Parameters
Exposure 1: 200 Hz
Modulation type: pulsed
Exposure duration: repeated daily exposure, 24 min/day for 7 days

Exposure 1

Main characteristics
Frequency 200 Hz
Exposure duration repeated daily exposure, 24 min/day for 7 days
Modulation type pulsed
Exposure setup
Exposure source
Additional info Cartilage explants were digested using trypsin and cultured in serum free basal medium with or without addition of interleukin 1β. The cultures were divided into a non-electromagnetic field group and an EMF exposure group. Undigested and untreated explants served as negative controls.
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
magnetic flux density 40 µT unspecified unspecified - -

Exposed system:

Methods Endpoint/measurement parameters/methodology

Investigated system:
Time of investigation:
  • after exposure

Main outcome of study (acc. to author)

Electromagnetic field exposure promoted matrix macromolecule biosynthesis in intact explants (non-digested negative control) but had no stimulatory effect on damaged articular cartilage. The suppressive effects of interleukin 1beta were partially counteracted by exposure, exclusively in cartilage derived from young calves.
Electromagnetic field exposure has age dependant chondroprotective but not structure modifying properties when cartilage integrity is compromised. Thus, electromagnetic fields may not be useful as a therapeutic measure under these conditions.

Study character:

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