Study type:
Medical/biological study
(experimental study)
Differentiation of Human Umbilical Cord-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, WJ-MSCs, into Chondrogenic Cells in the Presence of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields
Esposito M, Lucariello A, Costanzo C, Fiumarella A, Giannini A, Riccardi G, Riccio I
de Girolamo L et al.
Low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field affects proliferation, tissue-specific gene expression, and cytokines release of human tendon cells
Esposito M et al.
Differentiation of human osteoprogenitor cells increases after treatment with pulsed electromagnetic fields
Boopalan PR et al.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy results in healing of full thickness articular cartilage defect
Chang SH et al.
Low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure accelerates chondrocytic phenotype expression on chitosan substrate
Cadossi R et al.
Cartilage chondroprotection and repair with pulsed electromagnetic fields: I-ONE therapy
Chang CH et al.
Can low frequency electromagnetic field help cartilage tissue engineering?
Lee HM et al.
Pulsed electromagnetic field stimulates cellular proliferation in human intervertebral disc cells
Schmidt-Rohlfing B et al.
Effects of pulsed and sinusoid electromagnetic fields on human chondrocytes cultivated in a collagen matrix
De Mattei M et al.
Proteoglycan synthesis in bovine articular cartilage explants exposed to different low-frequency low-energy pulsed electromagnetic fields