Study type:
Epidemiological study
(observational study)
Residential and occupational exposure to 50-Hz magnetic fields and brain tumours in Norway: a population-based study
Klaeboe L, Blaasaas KG, Haldorsen T, Tynes T
Published in: Int J Cancer 2005; 115 (1): 137-141
Aim of study (acc. to author)
Further details
Endpoint/type of risk estimation
Type of risk estimation:
(odds ratio (OR))
Exposure groups
Reference group 1
not exposed
Group 2
residential magnetic fields: < 0.05 µT
Group 3
residential magnetic fields: 0.05 - 0.19 µT
Group 4
residential magnetic fields: ≥ 0.20 µT
Group 5
occupational magnetic fields: < 18 (occupational exposure category - years)
Group 6
occupational magnetic fields: 18 - 30 (occupational exposure category - years)
Group 7
occupational magnetic fields: ≥ 31 (occupational exposure category - years)
≥ 16 years
Observation period:
1980 - 1996
Study location:
Case group
Control group
- sex
- age
- area
- case:control = 1:2
Study size
Cases |
Controls |
Eligible |
454 |
908 |
Statistical analysis method:
- conditional logistic regression
Results (acc. to author)
Study funded by
Research Council of Norway
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