Literature search results
273 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
Comet-Assay, Einzelzell-Gelelektrophorese, Mikrogel-Elektrophorese, "comet assay", Komet-Assay, "single-cell gel electrophoresis", "microgel electrophoresis", マイクロゲル電気泳動法, 単細胞ゲル電気泳動, コメット解析
Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanism of Mutagenesis 400 (1-2): 313-320
1998 ,
Phillips JL, Ivaschuk O, Ishida-Jones T, Jones RA, Campbell-Beachler M, Haggren W
Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 45 (1): 103-110
1998 ,
Malyapa RS, Ahern EW, Bi C, Straube WL, LaRegina MC, Pickard WF, Roti Roti JL
Radiat Res 149 (6): 637-645
1997 ,
Lai H, Carino M, Singh N
Wirel Netw 3 (6): 471-476
1997 ,
Malyapa RS, Ahern EW, Straube WL, Moros EG, Pickard WF, Roti Roti JL
Radiat Res 148 (6): 608-617
Bioelectromagnetics 18 (2): 156-165
J Pineal Res 22 (3): 152-162
Bioelectromagnetics 18 (6): 446-454
1997 ,
Maes A, Collier M, Van Gorp U, Vandoninck S, Verschaeve L
Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen 393 (1-2): 151-156
1997 ,
Malyapa RS, Ahern EW, Straube WL, Moros EG, Pickard WF, Roti Roti JL
Radiat Res 148 (6): 618-627