After a lethal microwave exposure (4 kW; 2.45 GHz; 0.4-1.2 s) the concentration of different metabolites in mice brain were determined in contrast of mice killed by neck dislocation without microwave exposure.
In addition two enzymes involved in amino acid metabolism, phosphate-dependent glutaminase and glutamine synthetase, were studied. The metabolites of interest were: ammonia, amino acids, adenine nucleotides, glucose, glycogen, lactate and pyruvate. Quick dispatch by microwave exposure of experimental animals is to be considered as a common method to determine the in vitro concentration of rapidly-metabolized substances.
The ammonia concentration was found about 5 times higher in animals exposed to 0.4 s than in non or longer exposed animals. Insofar, 4 kW 2.45 GHz exposure of 4 s was determined to be the optimal condition of in vitro measuring of ammonia concentration. These high amounts of ammonia were ascribed to be most probably caused by the activation of glutaminase.
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