73 subjcets participated (46 males, 27 females) in two sessions (sham exposure and exposure) on separate days composed of four sequences of testing. Four testing blocks per session were performed: 15 min before the beginning of exposure, 15 and 45 min after the beginning of expoosure and 15 min after the end of the exposure.
two orthogonal coils with a diameter of 1.6 m, spaced 1.2 m apart; each coil consisting of 80 turns of AWG-10 wire mounted with a nonconductive cooling/heating system; test person sitting on an elevated armchair in the middle of the coil system; test person wearing earplugs; for some tests the armchair was pulled back, opening access to a force plate underneath the chair; test person stepped on it and took a standardized position
effects on the neurological system: neurophysiological parameters (EEG; especially alpha rhythmamplitude) and neuromotor parameters (standing balance (sway velocity), voluntary motor function (performance of alternating hand movements, especially duration, i.e. time to make a back and forth wrist rotation with the hands), physiologicaltremor of the dominant index finger (tremoramplitude and power spectrum); experiments partly during eyes open and eyes closed conditions
Modolo J et al.
Human exposure to power frequency magnetic fields up to 7.6 mT: An integrated EEG/fMRI study
Akramova MS et al.
Possibility of registration of changes in the human body at influence of harmful production factors by means of the polygraph
Legros A et al.
Effects of a 60 Hz magnetic field exposure up to 3000 µT on human brain activation as measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging
Cvetkovic D et al.
Alterations of human electroencephalographic activity caused by multiple extremely low frequency magnetic field exposures
McNamee DA et al.
A literature review: the cardiovascular effects of exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields
Capone F et al.
Does exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields produce functional changes in human brain?
Cook CM et al.
Changes in human EEG alpha activity following exposure to two different pulsed magnetic field sequences
Perentos N et al.
The effect of GSM-like ELF radiation on the alpha band of the human resting EEG
Legros A et al.
Individual subject sensitivity to extremely low frequency magnetic field
Cvetkovic D et al.
Alterations in Human EEG Activity Caused by Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields
Ghione S et al.
Effects of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields on electroencephalographic alpha activity, dental pain threshold and cardiovascular parameters in humans
Lyskov E et al.
Provocation study of persons with perceived electrical hypersensitivity and controls using magnetic field exposure and recording of electrophysiological characteristics
Prato FS et al.
Human standing balance is affected by exposure to pulsed ELF magnetic fields: light intensity-dependent effects
Thomas AW et al.
Human subjects exposed to a specific pulsed (200 microT) magnetic field: effects on normal standing balance