Study type: Epidemiological study (observational study)

Mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan epidem.

Published in: Occup Environ Med 2006; 63 (12): 802-807

Aim of study (acc. to author)

The relationship between mobile phone use and the risk of acoustic neuroma was investigated in this Japanese population-based case-control study.

Further details

The study is part of the INTERPHONE project.
A subject was classified as a regular user of mobile phone if he had used it for at least 6 months.

Endpoint/type of risk estimation

Type of risk estimation: (odds ratio (OR))



Exposure groups

Group Description
Reference group 1 mobile phone use: no user
Group 2 mobile phone use: regular user
Group 3 cumulative length of use: < 4 years
Group 4 cumulative length of use: 4 - 7 years
Group 5 cumulative length of use: ≥ 8 years
Group 6 cumulative call time: < 300 h
Group 7 cumulative call time: 300 - 900 h
Group 8 cumulative call time: ≥ 900 h
Group 9 type of mobile phone used: analog and digital
Group 10 type of mobile phone used: digital only
Reference group 11 laterality: non-regular users or phone use on the side opposite the tumor
Group 12 laterality of tumor location versus mobile phone use: ipsilateral
Reference group 13 laterality : non-regular users or phone use on the same side as the tumor
Group 14 laterality of tumor location versus mobile phone use: contralateral


Case group

Control group

Study size

Cases Controls
Eligible 120 647
Participants 101 339
Participation rate 84 % 52 %
Evaluable 97 330
Statistical analysis method: (adjustment: )

Results (acc. to author)

The study showed no increased risk of acoustic neuroma in association with mobile phone use. The risk was not increased with duration of use nor with cumulative call time. No signifcant association was found for ipsilateral use of a mobile phone (on the same side as the tumor occured).

Study funded by

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