Study type: Medical/biological study (experimental study)

Post-continuous whole body exposure of rabbits to 650 MHz electromagnetic fields: effects on liver, spleen, and brain med./bio.

Published in: Radiat Environ Biophys 2005; 44 (1): 51-59

Aim of study (acc. to author)

To clarify the potential severe damage due to electromagnetic fields generated by radio and television transmitters, by investigating the morphological changes of liver, brain, and spleen in rabbits.

Background/further details

Two groups of rabbits were continuously exposed for 2 years followed by 12 months (group 1, sacrificed after 12 months after the end of treatment) or 18 months (group 2, sacrificed 18 months after the end of treatment) of post-exposure.



Exposure Parameters
Exposure 1: 650 MHz
Modulation type: FM
Exposure duration: continuous for 2 years

Exposure 1

Main characteristics
Frequency 650 MHz
  • unspecified
Exposure duration continuous for 2 years
Modulation type FM
Modulation frequency 10 MHz
Exposure setup
Exposure source
Setup the exposure room was shielded with a double tubed cell of aluminum(180 cm high x 300 cm long x 150 cm deep) which gave the room a characteristic of a resonant multimode cavity. 24 cages (38 cm high x 60 cm long x 50 cm deep) each containing a single rabbit were located in the middle of the aluminum cell. EMF was transmitted with the help of panels which were located in the room.
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
SAR 3.8 mW/g mean unspecified whole body -

Exposed system:

Methods Endpoint/measurement parameters/methodology

Investigated system:
Investigated organ system:
Time of investigation:
  • during exposure
  • after exposure

Main outcome of study (acc. to author)

The continuous exposure resulted in modifications whose types and intensities were related to the time of post-exposure (12 or 18 months, respectively), The type and the extent of changes were different in different organs and -with regard to the same organs - they varied from animal to animal. A number of effects were revealed only in group 1, and not in group 2, which suggests some kind of adaptive response or of long-term recovery following continuous exposure.

Study character:

Study funded by

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