
ICNIRP Workshop: “Thresholds of thermal damage”

Posted on Mar 23, 2015

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) will organize the workshop “Thresholds of thermal damage” together with the World Health Organization (WHO) from May 26 to May 28, 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey. With a view of updating the guidance on limiting exposure to radio frequency fields, ICNIRP will review the current scientific knowledge on the thresholds of thermal damage. The workshop is open to the public. For further information, visit the ICNIRP home page.

femu receives DGAUM Innovation Award 2015

Posted on Mar 21, 2015

At this year´s 55th Scientific Annual Meeting of the German Society for Occupational Medicine and Environmental Medicine (DGAUM) in Munich, the Research Center for Bioelectromagnetic Interaction (femu) was awarded the Innovation Award 2015. The president of the DGAUM, Prof. Hans Drexler, presented the DGAUM Innovation Award 2015 to Dr. Sarah Drießen, project leader of femu. For more information on the DGAUM Annual Meeting 2015, visit the web page of the DGAUM (in German).

SCENIHR releases final opinion on EMF

Posted on Mar 20, 2015

On January 27, 2015, the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) of the European Commission released their final opinion on potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) (see Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF)). Especially for non-specialists, an additional easy-to-read summary in plain language and a science fact sheet containing the most important information in short have now been released. For further information on the SCENIHR, see the SCENIHR web page.

Update: WHO monograph on radio frequency fields

Posted on Jan 28, 2015

The World Health Organization (WHO) is undertaking a health risk assessment of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields to be published as an update of the monograph on radiofrequency fields from 1993 in the Environmental Health Criteria Series (see Electromagnetic fields (WHO EHC Monograph No. 137)). Public consultation is closed and the draft chapters of this document are now open for technical consultation by radio frequency experts. The WHO is seeking comments on the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in these chapters. For further information, visit the WHO web page.

Dr. Sarah Drießen appointed to committee of the German Commission on Radiological Protection

Posted on Jan 10, 2015

At the beginning of 2015, Dr. Sarah Drießen of the Research Center for Bioelectromagnetic Interaction of University Hospital RWTH Aachen (provider of EMF-Portal) was appointed to the committee on “Non Ionizing Radiation” of The German Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK). This board evaluates health effects of non-ionizing radiation and contributes to the counsel of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) as an expert committee of the SSK. You can find more information on the SSK, its committees and members on SSK web page (in German).

BioEM 2015

Posted on Jan 5, 2015

The annual joint meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA) will take place at Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, USA from June 14 to June 19, 2015. As an international conference in the area of bioelectromagnetics, BioEM 2015 it is expected to stimulate further research in this field through the exchange of ideas and lively debate on state-of-the-art knowledge, as well as filling the existing knowledge gaps. For further information, visit the BioEM 2015 web page.