electrical injury

  • electric shock
German: Stromunfall
Japanese: 電撃傷

Medicine. Injuries caused by electric currents. Electrical injuries can generally be classified according to the power source (electrical or lightning), voltage (low voltage up to 1,000 V alternating current and up to 1,500 V direct current or high voltage), and type of current (alternating current or direct current), each of which is associated with certain injury patterns.
The type and extent of an electrical injury is determined by voltage, current strength, resistance to flow, duration of contact with the source, pathway of flow, and type of current (alternating current or direct current). Electrical injuries can cause multiorgan dysfunction and a variety of burns and traumatic injuries, for example, burns at the contact points, cardiac arrhythmia (e.g., asystole or ventricular fibrillation), muscle paralysis, seizure, and long-term complications.

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