Communications engineering. Acronym of Fast Low-latency Access with Seamless Handoff-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing.
A fast internet broadband access method developed by Flarion Technologies, which works with 450 MHz and is based on the modulation technique OFDM. FLASH-OFDM is not compatible with GSM or UMTS.
Due to the lower frequency used, compared to GSM, radio waves are better deflected and there are fewer problems with multi-path transmission. One base station can provide access to mobile stations in a radius of up to 50 km. Therefore FLASH-OFDM is especially adapted for thinly populated areas.
With mobile communication the user can move with a speed up to 250 km/h and still use data rates of 1.5 Mbit/s for download and 500 kbit/s for the upload. Therefore this technique is also used in the Railnet of the German Bundesbahn.
FLASH-OFDM has a small transmission delay (< 20 ms) and is so especially adapted for mobile realtime interactive and multimedia applications.
The first area-wide FLASH-OFDM network was built by T-Mobile in Slovakia in 2005.
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