Jalilian H, Sandoval-Diez N, Waibl VJ, Schmutz M, Trefalt S, Arslan N, Fernandes Veludo A, Tincknell L, Wipf I, Steck L, Dongus S, Jankowska A, Peralta GP, Polanska K, Popovic M, Maule M, de Llobet P, Guxens M, Röösli M
Moskowitz JM, Frank JW, Melnick RL, Hardell L, Belyaev I, Héroux P, Kelley E, Lai H, Maisch D, Mallery-Blythe E, Philips A, International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF)
Feychting M, Schüz J, Toledano MB, Vermeulen R, Auvinen A, Harbo Poulsen A, Deltour I, Smith RB, Heller J, Kromhout H, Huss A, Johansen C, Tettamanti G, Elliott P