Serratosa J, Oppel S, Rotics S, Santangeli A, Butchart SHM, Cano-Alonso LS, Telleria JL, Kemp R, Nicholas A, Kalvans A, Galarza A, Franco AMA, Andreotti A, Kirschel ANG, Ngari A, Soutullo A, Bermejo-Bermejo A, Botha AJ, Ferri A, Evangelidis A, Cenerini A, Stamenov A, Hernandez-Matias A, Aradis A, Grozdanov AP, Rodriguez B, Sekercioglu CH, Cerecedo-Iglesias C, Kassara C, Barboutis C, Bracebridge C, Garcia-Ripolles C, Kendall CJ, Denac D, Schabo DG, Barber DR, Popov DV, Dobrev DD, Mallia E, Kmetova-Biro E, Alvarez E, Buechley ER, Bragin EA, Cordischi F, Zengeya FM, Monti F, Mougeot F, Tate G, Stoyanov G, Dell'Omo G, Lucia G, Gradev G, Ceccolini G, Friedemann G, Bauer HG, Kolberg H, Peshev H, Catry I, Oien IJ, Carbonell Alanis I, Literak I, Pokrovsky I, Ojaste I, Ostnes JE, de la Puente J, Real J, Guilherme JL, Gonzalez JC, Fernandez-Garcia JM, Antonio Gil J, Terraube J, Poprach K, Aghababyan K, Klein K, Bildstein KL, Wolter K, Janssens K, Kittelberger KD, Thompson LJ, AlJahdhami MH, Galan M, Tobolka M, Posillico M, Cipollone M, Gschweng M, Strazds M, Boorman M, Zvidzai M, Acacio M, Romero M, Wikelski M, Schmidt M, Sara M, McGrady MJ, Dagys M, Mackenzie ML, Al Taq M, Mgumba MP, Virani MZ, Kassinis NI, Borgianni N, Thie N, Tsiopelas N, Anglister N, Farwig N, Sapir N, Kleven O, Krone O, Duriez O, Spiegel O, Al Nouri O, Lopez-Lopez P, Byholm P, Kamath PL, Mirski P, Palatitz P, Serroni P, Raab R, Buij R, Zydelis R, Nathan R, Bowie RCK, Tsiakiris R, Hatfield RS, Harel R, Kroglund RT, Efrat R, Liminana R, Javed S, Marinkovic SP, Rosner S, Pekarsky S, Kapila SR, Marin SA, Krejci S, Giokas S, Tumanyan S, Turjeman S, Kruger SC, Ewing SR, Stoychev S, Nikolov SC, Qaneer TE, Spatz T, Hadjikyriakou TG, Mueller T, Katzner TE, Aarvak T, Veselovsky T, Nygard T, Mellone U, Vali U, Sellis U, Urios V, Nemcek V, Arkumarev V, Getz WM, Fiedler W, Van den Bossche W, Lehnardt Y, Jones VR
2024 IEEE 29th International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED), Tbilisi, Georgia. IEEE: pp. 186-189; ISBN 9798331506094
2024 IEEE 29th International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED), Tbilisi, Georgia. IEEE: pp. 175-179; ISBN 9798331506094
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal & Power Integrity (EMC+SIPI), Phoenix, AZ, USA. IEEE: pp. 369-373; ISBN 9798350360400
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