Literature search results
867 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
注意欠陥多動性障害, Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätssyndrom, Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Syndrom, ADHS, ADS, "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder", "attention deficit disorder", ADHD, ADD, 注意欠陥障害
2006 ,
Lantow M, Schuderer J, Hartwig C, Simko M
Radiat Res 165 (1): 88-94
2006 ,
Dawe AS, Smith B, Thomas DW, Greedy S, Vasic N, Gregory A, Loader B, de Pomerai DI
Bioelectromagnetics 27 (2): 88-97
2006 ,
Simko M, Hartwig C, Lantow M, Lupke M, Mattsson MO, Rahman Q, Rollwitz J
Toxicol Lett 161 (1): 73-82
2005 ,
Wienert R, Dechent D, Silny J
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU),
Schriftreihe Reaktorsicherheit und Strahlenschutz, BMU - 2005 - 671: 1-27
J Appl Ecol 42 (4): 605-615
2005 ,
Zhang S, Xu G, Liu C, Xiao S, Sun Y, Su X, Cai Y, Li D, Xu B
Int J Hyperthermia 21 (7): 631-636
2005 ,
Wieraszko A, Ahmed Z, Armani J, Maqsood N, Philips S, Raja H
Environmentalist 25 (2-4): 145-155
2005 ,
Herr C, Nieden A, Lindenstruth M, Stilianakis N, Seitz H, Eikmann T
Somnologie (Somnology) 9 (4): 199-202
2005 ,
Cornelissen G, Halberg F, Kovac M, Mikulecky M, Otsuka K, Bakken E
Biomed Pharmacother 59: S68-S75
2005 ,
Christov II, Iliev GL
Biomed Eng Online 4: 16