The following terms were included:
マイクロ波, Mikrowellen, MW, microwaves
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O'Connor ME, Lovely RH (eds.): Electromagnetic Fields and Neurobehavioral Function. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, volume 257; Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York; pp. 135-151; ISBN 978-0-8451-5107-5
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O'Connor ME, Lovely RH (eds.): Electromagnetic Fields and Neurobehavioral Function. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, volume 257; Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York; pp. 235-264; ISBN 978-0-8451-5107-5
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O'Connor ME, Lovely RH (eds.): Electromagnetic Fields and Neurobehavioral Function. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, volume 257; Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York; pp. 179-201; ISBN 978-0-8451-5107-5
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O'Connor ME, Lovely RH (eds.): Electromagnetic Fields and Neurobehavioral Function. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, volume 257; Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York; pp. 289-308; ISBN 978-0-8451-5107-5
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O'Connor ME, Lovely RH (eds.): Electromagnetic Fields and Neurobehavioral Function. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, volume 257; Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York; pp. 119-134; ISBN 978-0-8451-5107-5
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