Literature search results
1144 articles were found.
The following terms were included:
"Transkutane elektrische Nervenstimulation", "Transkutane Nervenstimulation", TENS, "transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation", "transcutaneous nerve stimulation", 経皮電気神経刺激, 経皮神経刺激
2004 ,
Pleger B, Janssen F, Schwenkreis P, Volker B, Maier C, Tegenthoff M
Neurosci Lett 356 (2): 87-90
2004 ,
Gallerano GP, Biedron S
Proceedings of the 2004 FEL Conference. Comitato Conferenze Elettra: pp. 216-221; ISBN 978-88-87992-02-1
J Med Food 7 (3): 299-304
2004 ,
Khaki AA, Choudhry JK, Kaul B, Minaii A, Baybordi A, Oskuii G, Kafshnouchi M, Montazam H
JIMSA 17 (2): 136-140
2004 ,
Florez M, Carbonell MV, Martinez E
Electromagn Biol Med 23 (2): 157-166
2004 ,
Özgüner F, Aydin G, Mollaoglu H, Gokalp O, Koyu A, Cesur G
Toxicol Ind Health 20 (6-10): 133-139
2004 ,
Dawson TW, Stuchly MA, Kavet R
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 51 (12): 2194-2198
2004 ,
Cooper TG, Mann SM, Khalid M, Blackwell RP
NRPB-W Series 9 (W62): 1-152
2004 ,
Papageorgiou CC, Nanou ED, Tsiafakis VG, Capsalis CN, Rabavilas AD
NeuroReport 15 (16): 2557-2560
2004 ,
Anderson LE, Sheen DM, Wilson BW, Grumbein SL, Creim JA, Sasser LB
Radiat Res 162 (2): 201-210