Study overviews

Mobile phone related articles are

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Epidemiological studies on mobile communications

406 studies in total
  1. 137 studies
  2. 135 studies
  3. 113 studies
  4. 58 studies
  5. 20 studies

Hypersensitivity/well-being/subjective complaints 113 studies in total

Authors Year Study type Study group Observation period Study location Endpoints Parameters
Owolabi J et al. 2021 - men, women not stated Nigeria sleep disturbances, behavioral disorder, confusion, poor mental health, headache, attention deficit, fatigue/tiredness mobile communications, mobile phone, W-LAN/WiFi, RF field, laptop/tablet
Pachuau L et al. 2014 - men, women 2012 Indien health symptoms: fatigue, nausea, discomfort, headache, memory loss, skin problem. hearing problem, dizziness, muscular pain, visual disruption, difficulty in concentration, sleep disturbances mobile communications, mobile phone base station
Pachuau L et al. 2015 - men, women 2014 India headache, dizziness, muscle pain, fatigue, nausea, feeling of discomfort, memory loss, visual disruption, hearing problem, cramp, difficulty in concentration and skin problems, sleep disturbances mobile communications, mobile phone base station, GSM, residential
Roser K et al. 2016 cohort study men, women, children, 12–17 years 2012 - 2013, follow-up 2014 Switzerland behavioral problems (emotional problems, conduct problems, hyperactivity/inattention, peer relationship problems and prosocial behavior) and concentration capacity (homogeneity, power and accuracy) mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, UMTS, mobile communications, cordless phone, W-LAN/WiFi, Radio/TV transmitter, residential, personal
Röösli M et al. 2010 cohort study, prospective cohort study men, women, 30–60 years 2008, follow-up in 2009 Switzerland daytime sleepiness, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, headache, tinnitus mobile communications, mobile phone, mobile phone base station, cordless phone, W-LAN/WiFi, Radio/TV transmitter, residential, personal
Sagiv D et al. 2018 - men, women, 19–84 years 2014 - 2016 Israel sudden sensorineural hearing loss mobile communications, mobile phone
Salama OE et al. 2004 cross-sectional study men, women, 20–60 years not stated Egypt headache, earache, burning sensation of the face, fatigue, concentration difficulty, sleep disturbances mobile communications, mobile phone, personal
Sandström M et al. 2001 cross-sectional study men, women 1996 Sweden, Norway subjective symptoms: dizziness, discomfort, concentration, memory loss, fatigue, headaches, warmth behind ear, warmth on ear, burning skin, tingling/tightness mobile communications, analog mobile phone, digital mobile phone, GSM, NMT, occupational, personal
Santini R et al. 2002 survey men, women not given France general symptoms (headache, concentration difficulties, loss of memory, tiredness, sleep disturbance); symptoms during use (discomfort, burning sensation of the face, pricking sensation on the ear, warmth of the ear) mobile communications, digital mobile phone, GSM, PC/TV monitor, personal
Santini R et al. 2003 survey men, women not given France symptoms of discomfort, sleep disturbances, fatigue, irritability, headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, depressive tendency, concentration difficulties, memory loss, skin problems, visual + hearing disturbances, dizziness, movement diff, cardiovasc. problems, libido lowering mobile phone base station, mobile communications, residential