Study type:
Epidemiological study
(observational study)
Survey study of people living in the vicinity of cellular phone base stations
Santini R, Santini P, Le Ruz P, Danze JM, Seigne M
Published in: Electromagn Biol Med 2003; 22 (1): 41-49
Aim of study (acc. to author)
Further details
Endpoint/type of risk estimation
- symptoms of discomfort
- sleep disturbances
- fatigue, irritability, headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, depressive tendency, concentration difficulties, memory loss, skin problems, visual + hearing disturbances, dizziness, movement diff, cardiovasc. problems, libido lowering
Type of risk estimation:
Exposure groups
Reference group 1
estimated distance from base station: > 300 m
Group 2
estimated distance from base station: < 10 m
Group 3
estimated distance from base station: 10 - 50 m
Group 4
estimated distance from base station: 50 - 100 m
Group 5
estimated distance from base station: 100 - 200 m
Group 6
estimated distance from base station: 200 - 300 m
Group 7
length of time living close to base station: < 1 year
Group 8
length of time living close to base station: 1 - 2 years
Group 9
length of time living close to base station: 2 - 5 years
Group 10
length of time living close to base station: > 5 year
Group 11
location in relation to antennas: facing
Group 12
location in relation to antennas: beside
Group 13
location in relation to antennas: behind
Group 14
location in relation to antennas: beneath
subjects wishing to participate in the study which was announced by press, radio and web sites
Observation period:
not given
Study location:
Study size
Type |
Value |
Total |
570 |
Participants |
530 |
Statistical analysis method:
Results (acc. to author)
Study funded by
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