Study type: Law/recommendation/guideline

[Electromagnetic influence of electric power supply on telecommunication systems - Part 5: Influence by high voltage direct current transmission systems (HVDC transmission systems)] guideline

Maßnahmen bei Beeinflussung von Telekommunikationsanlagen durch Starkstromanlagen - Teil 5: Beeinflussung durch Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragungsanlagen (HGÜ-Anlagen)

German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE (DKE)
2014, DIN VDE 0845-6-5 VDE 0845-6-5:2014-09


The standard comprises specifications for influence protection of telecommunication systems and equipments toasymmetric (longitudinal) and symmetric (transverse) voltages and/or currents which are induced by inductive, capacitive or resistive coupling caused by high voltage direct current transmission systems (HVDC transmission systems). It is based on normal operation of the HVDC transmission systems. The specification serve as protection of people as well as of objects. Limit values are defined, test precedures are described and precautionary measurements for the HVDC transmission systems as well as the telecommunication systems are named with the aim to avoid interference.

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